電話:886-2-2620-6202 #11
傳真:886-2-2622 8244
Automotive Part (Aluminum)
產品型號:Gen Bracket
The part shaoe is like a triangle horn with different thickness. To overcome the thin wall filling and porosity location, the mold is designed with special angle lifters, gate type & size, cooling layout, as well as venting blocks, so that the parts come off easily and get precisely trimmed by the trimming die. Three shots of casted parts are inspected by x-ray machine for porosity check and measured by CMM for dimensional check, and are sent with all data and video of trimming process to the customer for approval. The casting die and trimming die are delivered in seven weeks.
Part: Gen Bracket
Casting Machine: 400Tons
Material: A380
Mold Weight: 1.94 Tons
Steel of Core/Cavity: Uddeholm DIEVAR
Component Spec.: DME (metric system)
No. of Slide: 2 pcs by angle lifters.
2 pcs by hydraulic cylinders.
No. of Hydraulic Cylinder: 2 pcs