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Valve Cemented Bag Making Machine in India
²£«~¤ÀÃþ¡G¦Û°Ê¤Æ³]³Æ/²£·~¾÷±ñ / ¨ä¥L²£·~¾÷±ñ / »ÖÃþ
²£«~¯S¦â¡GFive Fingers Exports specializes in durable Valve Bag Making Machines for cement and industrial applications. Our machines combine precision engineering with advanced technology to deliver high-quality bag production. With a belt roller system and hot-to-cold cutting in less than a minute, they opti
¨ÑÀ³°Ó¡GFive Fingers Exports
3 Piece Flanged Ball Valve-Marine Valve For Sale
²£«~«¬¸¹¡G3 piece ball valve
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²£«~¯S¦â¡G3-piece-flanged-ball-valve, renowned for their optimized flow characteristics and exceptional valve flow performance. These valves stand out for their online maintenance and replacement capabilities, making them highly sought-after in electric power, oil refining, chemical, petrochemical, and paperm
¨ÑÀ³°Ó¡GZava Marine Corporation
Pneumatic Rotary Type Ceramic Gate Valve
²£«~¤ÀÃþ¡G¦Û°Ê¤Æ³]³Æ/²£·~¾÷±ñ / ¨ä¥L²£·~¾÷±ñ / »ÖÃþ
²£«~¯S¦â¡G1. The valves are sturdy and maintenance free enough to withstand the most severe conditions. 2.The sealing faces of the valve are made of toughened engineering ceramics with good abrasion resistance and prolonged service life. 3.Product with customized structural length and connection size is avai
¨ÑÀ³°Ó¡GZhengzhou Free Fluid Control Technology Co.,Ltd
²£«~¤ÀÃþ¡G¦Û°Ê¤Æ³]³Æ/²£·~¾÷±ñ / ¨ä¥L²£·~¾÷±ñ / »ÖÃþ
²£«~¯S¦â¡G¨ã¦³¨¾µ²ÅS¥\¯à »´¶q Åé¿n¤p ¾Þ§@²³æ 10Kgf/cm2
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A42 spring loaded full lift type safety valve
²£«~¤ÀÃþ¡G¦Û°Ê¤Æ³]³Æ/²£·~¾÷±ñ / ¨ä¥L²£·~¾÷±ñ / »ÖÃþ
²£«~¯S¦â¡GA42Y-C A42H / Y Spring Loaded Full Lift Safety Valve are used for the equipment and pipeline of the air,petroleum gas, liquid etc.
¨ÑÀ³°Ó¡GChina Goolle Valve Co.,Ltd
Free Ball Float Steam Trap
²£«~«¬¸¹¡GA-G series
²£«~¤ÀÃþ¡G¦Û°Ê¤Æ³]³Æ/²£·~¾÷±ñ / ¨ä¥L²£·~¾÷±ñ / »ÖÃþ
²£«~¯S¦â¡GFree Ball Float Steam Trap Performance / Advantages: Continues discharging saturation condensed water without accumulation, and so get the maximum thermal efficiency. When steam pressure changes, the ball float can adjust the opening of valve seat without influence, and so it is stable. With automa
¨ÑÀ³°Ó¡GYongjia Goole Valve Co., Ltd
Single Seat Globe Control Valve
²£«~¤ÀÃþ¡G¦Û°Ê¤Æ³]³Æ/²£·~¾÷±ñ / ¨ä¥L²£·~¾÷±ñ / »ÖÃþ
²£«~¯S¦â¡GLN81 series are single-seat LN8 series pressure imbalance structure products, one of two basic guide plunger valve core, the floating sleeve compression type, from the seat structure, modular design, the flow capacity is big, high controlling precision, adjustable range, can achieve minimal flow con
¨ÑÀ³°Ó¡GZhejiang SUPCON Fluid Technology Co., Ltd.
¤T¤ù¦¡¥þ¬y¤ú¤f²y»Ö, °ª¥¥x, ¨¾¤õ»{ÃÒ, 2000WOG
²£«~¤ÀÃþ¡G¦Û°Ê¤Æ³]³Æ/²£·~¾÷±ñ / ¨ä¥L²£·~¾÷±ñ / »ÖÃþ
²£«~¯S¦â¡G* ¨¾¼Q¸&¨¾ÀR¹q¸Ë¸m. * API 607 6th Edition / ISO10497 Fire Safe Certified valves. * ISO 5211ª½±µ¸Ë¥¥x. * §ó¦h°T®§¡AÅwªï°Ñ¦Ò²£«~ºô¶: http://www.terofox.com/ProduceDetails.aspx?PID=253