產品型號:NOVA II
產品分類:自動化設備/產業機械 / 檢測設備 / 檢測、量測設備及其另件
* Compatible with all Ophir thermal, pyroelectric and photodiode sensors
* Large high definition LCD display
* Choice of digital or analog needle display
* 2 position kickstand
* Backlighting and rechargeable battery
* Analog output
* Log every point at up to 4000Hz with pyro sensors
* Non volatile data storage up to 54,000 points
* Laser tuning screen and power and energy log
* USB and RS232 interfaces with StarLab and StarCom PC applications,
LabVIEW driver and ActiveX control (see pages 95-99)
* NIST traceable and CE marked
* Soft keys and menu driven functions with on-line help
* Many software features such and density, min/max, scaling etc.
Digital Power Screen
* CW industrial, medical and scientific lasers
* pW to Multi KW with appropriate sensors
* Can average over selected period.
Useful for unstable lasers.
* Fast response bar graph
Analog Power Screen
* Perfect for adjusting and maximizing laser power
* Large analog needle with small digital display as well
Energy Screen
* Pulsed energy sensors (single or repetitive) and thermal sensors (single shot only)
* Frequency measurement with pulsed energy sensors
Energy Logging Screen
* Pyroelectric and thermal sensors
* Continuous scroll with up to 100 points on screen
* Full statistics
* Store data onboard and recall
Additional Functions
* Press the menu choice on the main screen and many more
options pop up as shown