WT B-1163-2 Low pressure Seal Kit Waterjet Hp Seal Kit
產品型號:WT B-1163-2
產品分類:模具產業機械 / 模具外包加工暨其他服務 / 線切割加工
WT B-1163-2 Low pressure Seal Kit Waterjet Hp Seal Kit Waterjet 40kpsi Parts
WT B-1163-2 Low pressure Seal Kit Waterjet Hp Seal Kit Waterjet 40kpsi Parts
roduct Parameters
Code: WT B-1163-2
Description: Low pressure Seal Kit
Water Jet Spare Parts, formerly known as waterjet accessories, is a product that constitutes the whole unit of the waterjet cutting machine and serves the waterjet cutting machine. The term Water Jet Spare Parts first appeared in the Steer Waterjet Mall, and was later cited by middlemen selling such products as a popular industry term. Since the water cutting machine uses high-pressure water jets to impact the object to be cut to achieve the cutting effect, it is functionally similar to a traditional knife, so it is commonly known as a waterjet. The Water Jet Spare Parts that make up the waterjet are naturally called Water Jet Spare Parts.
WaterTech Water Jet Spare Parts (Waterjet accessories) can be divided into high pressure Water Jet Spare Parts and low pressure Water Jet Spare Parts according to pressure, and can also be divided into booster accessories, cutting accessories, connection accessories, etc. according to functions. Since the waterjet uses high-pressure water jet technology to achieve cutting, a large part of the accessories must be used to achieve continuous high-pressure water generation and transmission services. This part of the Water Jet Spare Parts is directly or indirectly subjected to high pressure and even worn by the water flow, so these water jet parts have special functions and require more stringent materials. In order to achieve the overall better function and longer life of the waterjet, most of the high-quality Water Jet Spare Parts currently rely on imports, especially the high-pressure Water Jet Spare Parts, such as waterjet sand pipes, high-pressure cylinders, high-pressure pipes, and so on.
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