- 齒輪切削機械 (2)
- CNC龍門鑽孔機 (1)
- CNC放電加工機 (1)
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- 迴轉油壓缸 (1)
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- 油壓設備用密封片/環 (1)
Industrial Park, Shicheng county, Ganzhou city, China
Mercury Vapor Retort
產品型號:Mercury Vapor Retort
產品分類:零組件配件 / 油壓與氣壓元件 / 電磁方向控制閥
Mercury Vapor Retort
gold mercury amalgam retort Operating instruction
1. Put the amalgam mercury with gold into the sealed mercury distill
There is a condenser tube connected with the top of the distiller.
2. Heat the distiller on the coke, gas or electric furnace
3. When the temperature reached 356°C, the amalgam will gasification, the mercury gas will run out through the iron tube
4. The gas mercury will become Spherical droplets after go through the condenser tube, and then you can recycle the mercury.
5. In order to separate the Hg completely, gold mining plant usually maintained the temperature on 400-450°C. And in the last 30 minutes, raised the temperature to 750-800°C.
6. Distill the mercury for around 5-6hours, the gold recovery rate can reach 99%.