No.65, Dongshan Rd., Cingshuei Dist., Taichung City 436, Taiwan
panel saw
產品分類:木工產業機械 / 木工機械零組件 / 木工機械零組件
At OAV, our engineers are constantly working to make the end users experience with our products more enjoyable and less stressful. The frustration of missing the target size while cutting against the fence is well known to anyone who has ever used a panel saw. We have come up with a perfect solution for this problem: the CYBER FENCE. This new feature in our line of panel saws will not let you miss a cut ever again, regarless of how many times per day you reposition it. The CYBER fence is a simple and reliable solution that allows you use our inexpensive products in applications for which you would have previously had to use expensive industrial machinery. This, without a doubt, will give you an advatage over your competitors.