共有 42 項關於 變頻器 的產品資訊
2線式訊號轉換器 ( MG 原M-SYSTEM )
產品型號:B5-UNIT 系列
產品特色:任何地方都可安裝 41 mm (1.61'') 深的模組,即使在面板蓋後面 - 深度 41 mm (1.61") - 線性化,熔斷保護,冷接點補償 (T/C 輸入) 標準 - 可選 25 秒反應時間 - 有 LED 電量顯示
Benning Inverter DSP-1000
產品特色:Models we offer: Benning Inverter System DSP-500, Benning Inverter System DSP-1000, Benning Inverter System DSP-2500, Benning 125VDC Power QB Rectifier System, Benning Thyrotronic Battery Charger, Benning RectifierTEBECHOP 13500 SE.etc.
BPJ Series Frequency Converter
產品特色:★Low output voltage change rate (du/dt), reducing damage to motor insulation ★Reduces damage to the motor, increasing the life of the motor ★The reverse voltage of IGBT is half of the direct current bus voltage, improving reliability ★Three-level of electrical loss is 40-50% lower than that of th
供應商:Hebei Qian Shun Energy Saving Technology Co., Ltd
Ni-Cd Battery Pack 3SC 1500mAh 3.6V
產品型號:Ni-Cd Battery Pack 3SC 1500mAh 3.6V
產品特色:Ni-Cd Battery Pack 3SC 1500mAh 3.6V
RD works Ruida 6090 80W100W CO2 Laser Engraving Machine
產品型號:LC6090A/B CO2 laser engraving machine
產品特色:Generally the model A use LaserCAD/AUTOCAD/RUIDA and RDworks engraving software. It makes DSP technology and USB flash disk read and edit file. Besides A models feature, it has WIFI and mobile app function.
供應商:Jinan Ruby Laser Technology Co.,Ltd
交流馬達控制器, 變頻器
產品特色:1. 輸出頻率0.5~400.0HZ 2. 自動轉矩補償及滑差補償 3. 16段自動程序運轉功能 4. 內建標準RS422/485通訊連接阜, 支援MODBUS.RTU通信協定 5. 可設定15種補償曲線及任意V/F曲線 6. 最多8段速度設定 7. 可設定2段加減速時間 8. 外部類比命令0~10V及4-20mA 9. 內建PID功能 10. 可設定載波頻率1.5~16KHZ 11. 附加卡可提升控制性能, 內建編碼器(ENCODER)回授介面,脈波輸入,外部類比12bit±10V輸入 12. 瞬間停電/慣性再啟動
FC 200 水處理系列變頻器
產品型號:FC 200 水處理系列變頻器
產品特色:Danfoss VLT® AQUA Drive 水處理系列變頻器,是一款專門用於供水和污水處理應用的變頻器。 VLT® AQUA 水處理系列變頻器,具有多種強大的標準功能和選配功能,並可大幅降低供水和污水處理應用的總成本。
Multimode Pump And Signal Combiner (6+1)X1
產品型號:Multimode Pump And Signal Combiner (6+1)X1
產品特色:Multimode Pump And Signal Combiner (6+1)X1
Contact NowAcrylic Packing With Graphite
產品型號:Contact NowAcrylic Packing With Graphite
產品特色:Acrylic Packing With Graphite of superior quality and finish are manufactured and supplied by our company. Quality and right pricing make us rank among the most trusted and reputed Manufacturers, Suppliers and Exporters of Acrylic Packing With http://www.tecsongaskets.com
TSP Inserts For Stabilizers A10×10×3R1.5
產品型號:TSP Inserts For Stabilizers A10×10×3R1.5
產品特色:TSP Inserts For Stabilizers A10×10×3R1.5
供應商:Donge Zuanbao Diamond Co., Ltd