共有 4 項關於 雕刻機 的產品資訊
ABB Servo Motors
產品型號:ABB Servo Motor,Servo Motor
產品特色:ABB Servo Motor,Servo Motor A&S Servo Motor Co., Ltd can provide all types of ABB Servo Motor.
Diamond Engraving Stylus Electronic Engraving Machine for Gravure Cylinder Engraving Engraver
產品特色:1. Running steadily and high engraving efficiency with worldwide outstanding and nice parts 2. Clear outline and plentiful arrangement 3. Window XP operation system and friendly operation interface 4. Low costs of maintenance and simple maintenance and repair 5. Load different axis diameter cylinder
供應商:Yuncheng Hongjian Technology Development Co., Ltd.
gravure cylinder electronic engraving machine,diamong engraving stylus
產品特色:1. HJDD Run steadily and high engraving efficiency with worldwide outstanding and nice parts 2. Clear outline and plentiful arrangement 3 Window XP operation system and friendly operation interface. 4. Low costs of maintenance and simple maintenance and repair 5. Load different axis diameter cylind
供應商:Yuncheng hongjian technology development company
產品特色:※應用場合: PCB電路板雕刻,針對壓克力、雙色板、銅、鋁、塑料板、塑鋁板、木材、人造大理石等材料進行表面加工,廣泛應用於銘板、標示牌、胸章、印章、模型、工藝品,各種DIY製作皆可精雕細琢 ※本公司亦可製作專業級機種,主軸可裝高速變頻主軸,各軸亦可搭載伺服馬達 ※千電公司為專業滑台製造商,除供應各式線性模組外,亦承接各式滑台應用專用機 ※舉凡各式雕刻、點膠、塗膠、焊錫、鑽孔、移載、排盤…,等應用場合,本公司皆以原廠的成本,直接優惠價提供給客戶,歡迎洽詢 ※售價: 標準型:48000元 基本型:42000元(不含外罩板金) 離線控制器:25000元 學校及學生再優惠2000元 ※另外近期將再推出